Tuesday, October 10, 2006

There's got to be a way...

I read posts and blog entries about people living in a small space and making it beautiful, comfy, cozy. I get inspired, then, when I look at our apartment, I literally start to cry.

We are two adults and three children (13, 11, 8) in a small two bedroom apartment. All the kids are in one room and we are in the other. And all our stuff is just....there. I can't figure out how to make it pretty. I'm in the process of decluttering, which definitely helps, but I still can't figure out cute and functional ways to store the remaining stuff. I have no creativity in this area and its just getting me down. Is it just something you're either born with or you're not (the ability to make some living space into a simple, lovely home)?

There's got to be a way to do this, but I can't seem to figure out how!


Anonymous said...

I find that over time I don't "see" my stuff any more. If a room is cluttered I may not even notice ways to spruce it up because I don't notice the stuff (for instance the stuff that collects on top of the fridge). Maybe you could enlist the help of a friend to help you "see" what should go and what can stay. He/she might see things differently and help you identify the things you love and want to keep and the things you can let go of.

Gavi said...

This makes a lot of sense, and I have definitely noticed it as well. Often, little things gradually get left here and there and I don't even notice it happening. Until one day I realize how bad it really is.

I'm not sure if I know anyone who can help me go through the junk, but it is a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

Gavi said...

I totally understand what you mean, Liz. I've also done the whole cleaning thing in the past. But this time it is different for me. Its like something has "clicked" in my mind and I know that this will work for us. I still need help, ideas, and inspiration for the practical implementation (I am so uncreative when it comes to organizing). But I've had a shift in my thinking and I don't need a 'show home'. I need a place that is comfortable, uncluttered, and calm.

I wish you the best on your journey as well. Hopefully we can stick with people online and IRL who can encourage and help us as we travel. :)